12 easy ways to promote your business on linkedIN for free

12 Easy Ways to Promote your Business on LinkedIn for free LinkedIn can be the best investment of time for businesses to build a brand, network, share, market and collaborate. A LinkedIn profile can be thought of as the cornerstone of your online professional brand. 94% of B2B Marketers consider LinkedIn their first choice to distribute content. It is estimated that LinkedIn LinkedIn contributes to half of the social traffic for B2B sites. src:https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/me/business/en-us/marketing-solutions/cx/2017/pdfs/Sophisticated-Marketers-Guide-to-LinkedIn-v03.12.pdf Most Businesses wonder if they can advertise on LinkedIn for free. Yes, absolutely. LinkedIn, which was acquired by Microsoft in 2016, is now a marketplace where you can sell your professional services, find your next employee, publish and showcase your best content, and, most importantly, market your company. How can you promote your business with no money? It’s easy to leverage the authority of LinkedIn and use it to boost your visibility. LinkedIn offers several free features that can help you make the most of your LinkedIn profile and create a good impression on your connections. You can advertise on LinkedIn for free by optimizing your personal profile, creating a company page, creating posts, and becoming active in groups.  LinkedIn Pulse and LinkedIn Live are free tools that help you promote your business. The LinkedIn algorithm is still providing the much-needed reach and visibility. This has lately been dwindling on their social media platforms. This makes it even more crucial to leverage LinkedIn pulse and Live. There are numerous ways to utilize LinkedIn to generate visitors into leads for your business. We’ve done all the research for you on freeways to leverage LinkedIn below (and added in a few strategies as well).

  1. Optimize your Personal Profile

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is one of the many steps to take before beginning a LinkedIn outreach campaign. Enhance your LinkedIn personal profile by adding skills and managing endorsements. So, make sure you’ve got your LinkedIn profile open and optimized so you can keep up!
  • Optimize your profile photo If you’re a business owner, use a high-resolution photo of yourself as your profile photo (400 x 400 pixels, with a clean background). LinkedIn effectively offers filters that can change the look of your photo. You can experiment with them to see which one best suit your image. If you’re not sure about your photo, you can use Photo feeler to get real-world feedback.
  • Optimize your LinkedIn headline by including your company and product names in your LinkedIn headline, as well as variations of keywords that are highly relevant to your product or service and that your targeted addressees use on a regular basis.
  • Make Your Profile Have Its Own URL: It’s a good idea to include a link to your own website in your profile to let people know about your offer. The majority of people will simply use their names as their LinkedIn URLs. If you prefer to brand your company rather than your name, you can do so.

  1. Create your Audience persona(s)

This is a step on which you should focus a little more. You’ll want to be deliberative and tactful with the content you create for your audience, or else it’ll be a complete waste of time and effort. Audience personas provide insight into potential customers and influencers, allowing you to create captivating, relevant content that is personalized. Personas are representations of your ideal audience based on research (s). Make sure not to lump your entire audience into one category and to consider their consumption requirements. You can use Google Analytics and create Google Forms to send out surveys and questionnaires. Examine your own site analytics to learn who visits your site, where they come from, and how long they stay. Your sales team is another excellent internal resource who can help you in identifying your target audience and understanding their content/research requirements.

  1. Analyse your competitors

LinkedIn has many advantages for businesses, including highlighting your experience, expertise, and career accomplishments; sharing content for management ranking; promoting and sustaining a network; and securing employment options. Learn what your competitors are up to, spot industry trends, and stay one step ahead of the competition. To use LinkedIn to analyse your business competitors, you must first know who they are. They can be Direct (identical) business owners or Indirect competitors who offer resources that your target audience prefers. In addition to researching your competitors on LinkedIn, you should ensure that your own profile does not reveal more information than is necessary.
  • Before learning about your competitors, change the privacy settings on your LinkedIn profile. Hide your important connections list from 1st-degree connections who can look through your connections. Allow “Only You” to See Your Connections. Advertisers will not be able to send ads to your competitors as a result of this.
  • Follow your competition: Following someone on LinkedIn allows you to view their activities without being connected to them.
To follow someone or a company, go to their profile page and click ‘Follow.’ If you don’t see a Follow button, click the ‘More’ icon at the top of the person’s profile. Then, from the drop-down menu, choose Follow.
  • Conduct an analysis after you’ve followed your competitors. Examine how your competitors use SEO and content marketing in their marketing strategies.

  1. Optimize your company profile

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is one of the most basic and simple steps in establishing your company’s online identity. Understand first what you want to be known for and what services you are going to provide to your customers.
  • To better represent your brand and organization, start by visually completing your profile by uploading a company profile picture.
  • Get your own unique URL: It will only take you a few minutes to create your own custom website. It will benefit you in being noticed on LinkedIn. A customised URL also gives your profile a more polished look and professional touch.
  • Change your profile headline to reflect how you want your company to be known. Your headline is fundamental if you want to be found on LinkedIn. Include the keywords that your target audience or clients use to look for people who have your abilities or services.

  1. Add Product showcase pages

LinkedIn Showcase Pages are intended to increase engagement by providing a dedicated page to highlight specific brands, services, or other aspects of your company. A product showcase page is a subset of your main company page; your target audience can browse the Product showcase pages without having to follow your main company page. You can communicate specific content with more targeted audiences who are interested in a specific market segment within your company because of this capability.

  1. Content Strategy

Developing a content strategy for any social media platform is essential for business growth. It is critical to research the platform’s specific algorithm in order to develop a good content strategy. On LinkedIn, content is ranked and displayed based on the value of your account, how users have interacted with your content in the past, and what others are posting. Primarily, you’ll be competing with every other piece of content available. As a result, having a content strategy that helps you stand out is critical. Create a niche and become known for it by optimizing your profile and writing articles Spend some time interacting with the audience and plan out your posting ahead of time. Use features like LinkedIn live and LinkedIn pulse to strengthen your connections and increase engagement with the world’s largest professional network.

  1. Create a Unique Hashtag

A hashtag (No Space Allowed) is a special character that can be prefixed to any word or phrase to help people find a topic that interests them. They function as unique keywords that are only relevant to your identity and business. Create 2-3 personal hashtags which are simple and easy to understand for networking and product identification so that customers can easily find and search for your company.

  1. Have a Posting Schedule

Prepare ahead of time by uploading all of your LinkedIn content to your Media Library. Choose the timeframe you want your LinkedIn post to go live. You’ll maintain a stable presence on LinkedIn (and other social profiles) if you schedule posts, making it easier to find new leads and grow customer relations. Scheduling a post also helps unload the pressure on the marketing team enabling them to focus on other tasks optimizing the business.

  1. Leverage Linked Posts

You can communicate your personal and career endeavours and concerns, career advancement, and further connectivity. Using the LinkedIn app to communicate can help you establish credibility. You can interact with others on their posts besides communicating your own. You can select one of several other reactions by hovering over the Like icon: Like, Celebrate, Love, Insightful, or Curious. LinkedIn sends them a message about your actions when you respond to someone else’s post, which helps you grow your network.

  1. Evergreen Rankings with LinkedIn Pulse

LinkedIn Pulse is a content publishing platform, and it is one of the LinkedIn advanced features. Publish slides from Slideshare and develop infographics with this feature. Pulse allows you to create content in the same way that you would on a blog. This uniqueness is a tool for demonstrating your expertise to professionals. ○ Distribute high-quality content and establish yourself as an expert as it entices people to visit your profile, website, or social media pages; ○ Because GoogleTM considers Pulse articles in its algorithms, you can improve your GoogleTM ranking. ○ Boost the effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategy. ○ Share and interact with users who comment and react to your posts to increase engagement.

  1. Repurpose Content ( SlideShare, Videos, Infographics, Quotes)

You do not need to write something completely new to reach out to the LinkedIn audience. Instead, consider repurposing your existing content from other media.
  • Slideshare: Turning content into a slideshow is the best way to repurpose it on LinkedIn. Turn your latest listicles post, or a post with a lot of great stats, into a quick SlideShare with a CTA at the end to create SlideShare content. Documents, whitepapers, case studies, online webinars, podcasts, interviews, and even print books can be broken down into different posts.
  • Infographics: Instead of a large blog, use infographics to present your data. With the visual flair, you can attract a new audience and then include a CTA to download a gated asset.
  • Videos: Videos are 20 times more likely to be shared and watched than other types of content. They’re easy to make, entertaining to watch, and they help drive traffic to the blog.
  • Quotes: Create images from your quotes to capture tidbits, or use Click to Tweet to encourage tweeting of a quote.
  1.  LinkedIn Live
Interactions are one of the most effective tools for building relationships and networking. LinkedIn Live allows you to stream live video content to your professional audience and stay connected to your communities and meet your customers wherever they are. It has become the new virtual events solution To use LinkedIn Live, you must first submit an application for the feature to be added. It’s now time to wait for approval after you’ve submitted your application. You can then connect to a third-party streaming network and begin hosting virtual events, conducting online interviews, or demonstrating your expertise once you have gained access. There are a few important guidelines to remember in order to avoid having the benefits of this feature backfire.
  • Do not keep your audience waiting.
  • Do not go live more than once a day and stream for more than 15 minutes.
  • Avoid promotions and unprofessionalism, as well as discussing LinkedIn on LinkedIn.
  • Don’t use pre-recorded content.
  • Avoid dominating the screen with sponsorship logos.

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