Your YouTube Marketing Agency – Show the World Your Potential with Us

YouTube Marketing is the practice of promoting businesses and products on YouTube’s platform by uploading valuable videos on a company’s YouTube channel or using YouTube ads. In Propel Theory, we offer you the best YouTube marketing strategies to improve your wending in this world of digitisation.


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Check Out the Amenities We Provide as a YouTube Marketing Agency

Propel Theory offers you the best YouTube marketing services in India. Our YouTube marketing experts will help you get the best ROI from your YouTube channel.

YouTube SEO is an ever-changing practice of designing web content to rank highly in SERPs. There are many things we do to help your site rank better. This service will cover SEO basics and how to optimise your site for search engines.

We offer you to take care of the essential checklists for your YouTube channel that you might forget while concentrating on other important stuff.

  1. About Section
  2. Video Scripts
  3. Video Description
  4. Video Topic
  5. Making a Calendar
  6. Planning for Your Video
  7. Brand Sponsorship
  8. Copyright

YouTube is one of the biggest sites in the world. If you want to spread your online business or sell your products, you should consider creating a YouTube channel that will allow you to get to your target audience. And being a YouTube marketing agency, we can assist you in creating one.

We optimise your campaigning video with five simple steps, from choosing the right thumbnail image to making the length short. We exploit with titles, end cards and CTAs most and avoid ad fatigue.

Content syndication is a brilliant way for you to repurpose existing content to build links and boost traffic. We offer you a service that includes how to use it effectively and how to avoid common mistakes here.

When you go to a restaurant, you like to take photos, talk about the food, and share your opinion with friends. Just like that, we will create a video channel where you’ll be able to share your videos with friends and followers.

YouTube is the world’s largest video platform, with millions of users. Google’s YouTube represents an excellent opportunity for brands to connect with the right audience. We generally guide our clients using YouTube advertising to reach their target audience.

Types of YouTube Marketing

Like every other search engine, YouTube has a search bar which allows you to search for videos you’d like to watch. There are also suggested videos based on the previous videos you’ve watched. And when a person watches a YouTube video or opens it to search for a video, we promote our clients’ business ideas, products, and services.

Types of advertisement that YouTube gives us as an option to promote your products.

Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

First up on the list are skippable in-stream video ads, which can be served either before a video or during it. These ads play for a minimum of 5 seconds, and then the viewer can choose to skip them. In general, the video ad needs to be a minimum of 12 seconds, and it’s recommended to keep it under 3 minutes. One of the perks of this type of YouTube ad is that you’ll only get charged when someone watches at least 30 seconds, the entire ad (for any ad under 30 seconds), or if they click on it.

Non-Skippable In-Stream Video Ads

Here, we're talking about sponsorships and non-skippable ads, which are best when your brand needs to raise awareness and doesn’t want to risk getting hundreds and thousands of ad skips. These ads charge advertisers slightly different; charges are incurred per impression, more specifically, per 1000 views (CPM).

Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are six-second, non-skippable video ads that play right before an actual video. These ads are perfect for anyone who has a simple message to get across and doesn’t need the total production of a minutes-long video.

Discovery Ads

The video ads are displayed in the top or bottom half of the video player or at the beginning of the video. This can be a great way to promote your products, services, or website.

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Why Should You Choose a YouTube Marketing Agency Like Us?

With over a billion users, YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world. It’s also the second largest search engine, after Google. That makes it a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes.

But creating a successful YouTube marketing campaign takes more than just posting a video or two. You need to plan and execute your strategy carefully, and that’s where a YouTube marketing agency can help.

An agency will have the experience and expertise to create a campaign that gets results. They can help you develop creative ideas, produce high-quality videos, and promote your channel to a broader audience.

Working with an agency like us would be the most brilliant move if you’re serious about using YouTube to grow your business.

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What Our Clients Have To Say


YouTube is an incredibly effective marketing tool because it allows businesses to reach a broad audience with little to no cost. Creating and uploading videos is relatively simple and doesn’t require much time or money. YouTube also has a very high engagement rate, which means that people are more likely to watch and remember your videos.

There are many benefits to marketing on YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine, so it is a great way to reach a large audience. You can create engaging videos that promote your brand or product and then use YouTube’s extensive targeting options to ensure that your videos are seen by the most likely to be interested in them.

YouTube also offers several features that can help you track your videos’ performance and understand how your audience responds to your content. This data can be precious in helping you refine your marketing strategy and ensure that you are getting the most out of your YouTube campaigns.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best YouTube marketing strategy will vary depending on your brand, target audience, and goals. However, we keep a list of best practices in mind to develop our plan.

First, we consider what we want to achieve with your YouTube marketing. Are we looking to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Generate leads? Once we know your goals, we can develop a plan for achieving them.

Next, take some time to research your target audience. What are their interests? What kind of content do they respond to? What kind of tone should you use? Answering these questions will help us create content that resonates with your audience and enables us to achieve your marketing goals.

Finally, consider how we will promote your YouTube channel and videos. Will it run ads? Use social media? Partner with influencers? There are various ways to get the word out about your channel, so we experiment and see what works best for you.

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