A Guide to Drive Traffic to Local Business Websites Using AdWords

It’s 2022 and the time for business to re-evaluate their processes for local search. As Google continues to develop their algorithms, it’s becoming more critical to create content for local SEO. Businesses need to understand the factors that affect their rankings in these searches in order to stay ahead of the competition. It’s so similar to that of the rat race we heard when we were in school. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) remains one of the most crucial aspects of marketing, especially if you’re a start-up business.

If you’re looking to get on the first page of your local area, hire the best digital marketing consultant who will take your business a notch higher. The local search results seem to be the first thing we see when we search for a local service. It has a deep impact on the first impression and choice of the potential client. Local search is a crucial aspect of your digital marketing strategy.

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, through their innovations can drive traffic to your site. Google Ads are an advertising service by Google that allows business to display ads on Google search results and its advertising network. You can also use it to improve the search engine optimization of your website. A certified digital marketing professional will simplify the game for you.

       How to Drive Traffic to Local Business Websites Using Google Ads?

Here are some of the ways to drive traffic to local business websites using AdWords:

  1. Use Local Service Ads: Local service Ads are a new Ad format that are designed for local businesses that offer specific services. They are more prominent. Since, they’re local and hyper-relevant to the searches, local service ads do wonders.

They would make your business more prominent on Google Maps too. This is so because Google shows these ads for “near me” searches on both Google Maps and Google.com. A digital marketing consultant for small business can guide you on this.


  1. Use the Local Features of Ad Extensions: Ad Extensions are the links that you see below the description area of the text ads. A location extension plays a vital role with local advertising. Some of the extensions that could be helpful are:
  • Affiliate Location extensions
  • Automated Location extensions
  • Call extensions
  1. Use Google Product Listing Ads to Promote Specific Stock Items: Google Product listings can be location targeted and can be a great way to attract people who are actively looking for the products that you have.

You can test Google’s Local Inventory ads (LIAs). LIAs is similar to shopping ads and is a great way to let nearby shoppers know you have what they’re hunting for.


  1. Gain Deeper Insights with Google Ads Shop Visits: Shop Visits, a performance metric option in the Estimated Total Conversions feature of Google Ads can be helpful. You can note how close people are to your shop location when your advert is displayed and then track if they visit.

Shop Visits gives an estimation of how many people visited to your shop because after coming across your advert. This information can tell you about how your local online advertising works to increase shop traffic for your business. This can also help you to design even better, smarter local Ad campaigns.


  1. Enhance your campaign: Do you want to enhance your campaign? If yes, you must make sure that your website is appearing in searches.

Here’s list of tips to help you improve your Google Ads campaigns and drive more traffic and leads:


  • Use long tail keywords: long tail keywords consist of three or more words. Plus, these are much more specific and relevant. This means they might be used by someone who knows exactly what he or she wants and is ready to take action. This translates to more business leads.
  • Test and then test again: To increase site traffic and generate more leads from Google Ads, you can keep tweaking your campaigns and try new strategies.

You can also experiment with Ad messaging, keywords, and more. Try running two variations of the same Ad within each Ad group and mix up your bidding strategy.

  • Remove underperforming keywords: Observe your keyword performance closely and remove under-performing keywords.

For example, if a keyword is sending a lot of traffic to your site, and you are also seeing a high bounce rate (when someone clicks your page and then leaves immediately), you would know that this keyword is not relevant.


Reallocate your budget and bid on keywords that drive traffic and generate leads.


  • Invest in successful keywords: If you notice that some keywords are fetching you a significant amount of traffic and conversions, you can consider expanding how you use them.

If you’re targeting the exact match keyword option, you can try using phrase match or broad match modifier. If you’re already using phrase match or broad match modifier, you can try broad match instead. Plus, these changes will allow your Ad to appear for even more searches that could increase site traffic.


  • Use Smart Bidding: Smart bidding uses historical information about your campaign to optimise your ads automatically and generate the maximum number of leads or conversions. With smart bidding, you would still pay per click, but you need not adjust your bids manually.

A digital marketing strategist can guide you on these hacks.

  1. Optimize Your Ads with Dayparting: You can optimize your ads with dayparting. It is the practice of scheduling your campaigns to run during certain hours of the day or certain days of the week instead of at any point within a generic time frame.

When mobile users search on Google, they are typically trying to find a solution to an immediate need. If they’re searching for a bakery right now and your Ad shows up but you’re closed, it means that you’re paying for a click that will never reap a conversion.

  1. Test Which Customer Reviews Get the Most Clicks: You ask your customers to leave reviews for your business, right? But do you use those reviews on your website? If no, you should start it right away.

Positive reviews, put in checkout pages and contact pages can increase website conversion rates. You can use a simple Google Ads copy test to find out which review drives the most of the clicks. Use that review on your site and check the conversion rate before and after you add the review.


  1. Use Local Terms for Your Keywords and Mention Local Landmarks in Your Marketing: You can leverage some community pride in your PPC advertising and in your SEO efforts because consumers like ‘small, local businesses’.

But how to do these?


  • You can include variations of your city or town in the keywords you bid on and include them on your website.
  • Try to mention your neighbourhood, major local events, or local landmarks in your advertising and marketing alike.

Online advertising can do wonders to help your business increase traffic. The top marketing experts in the world have been playing an active role here. When you create a Google Ads campaign that helps people to find you both on their screens and in the street, you can put yourself on the map as a go-to destination for the stuffs that your local customers want. Local businesses can also use the Google Ads’ testing capabilities to optimize their websites. Driving traffic to local business websites using Google Ads has several benefits. It increases your brand’s awareness, builds large audience and reaches the right audience at the right time. You could also reconnect with your old visitors with the help of Display remarketing and RLSA campaigns. Just because a business is “small” doesn’t mean that it can’t use some of the optimization tricks. Follow these tips and get ready to use the right visuals and texts for your Google Ads to get the most of it. Plus, if you are not sure how to make it work effectively, Propel Theory, the top marketing agency in USA is an expert in this.

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