Connect Through Email, Build Your Market Through Email

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Email marketing is a beautiful way to allow your brand to connect with targets and customers who have been identified as valuable by their purchasing history. It’s a powerful tool that enables email marketers to retain previous buyers and build relationships with potential future buyers on an ongoing basis. We know how valuable this process can be here at Propel Theory, so we use it frequently while developing our content strategy.


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What happens when you want to send out specific messages to different people? Segmentation and dynamic content make it possible to customise your message and send it out to just the right person at the right time.

Our email marketing provides you with the following services.

First, we create the email address list based on your business niche. We manage the email list with 100% accuracy. To have an accurate email database for our campaigns, we filter all duplicate, invalid, and non-existent addresses on the email address database.

Our email marketing services allow you to enrich your existing customers and those who have potentially just become one. It helps attract loads of potential sales opportunities to businesses, and it’s suitable for most business requirements.

We like to use Google Analytics with email campaigns to track visitors and conversions in our email marketing strategy. In this way, we can see how our marketing activities impact the business.

Email marketing has a reputation for being the highest ROI (Return on Investment) in digital marketing. Nowadays, email advertising is no longer just based on text; some of the biggest brands use it to foster positive customer relations by promoting their products or services via email to their existing or prospective customers. Most bloggers use email newsletters to deliver daily updates to their subscribers and readers.

Types of Email Marketing – The Reason Behind Trusting Us

By using a good email verification company to clean up your list, you can make sure your campaigns reach the right people. There are four main types of email marketing campaigns that we use for your business:

Email Newsletter

A newsletter is an effective way to build relationships and engage with your audience. Depending on your goals, use email campaigns strategically to build a unique relationship and offer data related to those goals. Add value to the subscriber list by providing helpful articles and including how-to instructions, thought leadership pieces and announcements about new services/products.

Acquisition Mail

Acquisition emails are an excellent strategy that people can use to grow their business exponentially. These emails let you advertise different offers to your leads. They have shown to be very effective in providing a high ROI since the information has already expressed interest in what you have to offer. Some might not realise how much they will benefit from it, so giving them another chance is always a good idea!

Promotional Mail

Promotional Email Campaigns are a great way to drive sales, signups, and new product offerings for your small business. Promotional email campaigns include offers that entice and encourage your target market to buy a new product or service. Use it to reward engaged subscribers with exclusive offers, drive new product offerings, or cross-sell products to your customer base.

Retention Mail

If you have experience with email campaigns, why not consider a retention campaign? By sending out an email which requests feedback or an offer that your customers might find appealing – it could be something like offering them a coupon for their next purchase – you can build on these good relationships and maintain open lines of communication between yourselves (as business owners) and your readers.

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Why We Are The Best Email Marketing Agency_

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Why We are the Best Email Marketing Agency?

Our technology enables us to deliver the most personalised, interactive, and engaging email campaigns straight from your product. We have been working with companies of all sizes in different product fields to help them expand their businesses and achieve their goals for over 15 years. We provide –

  • Fully customised and interactive template designs.
  • Reliable email marketing platform.
  • Our loyal email marketing platform
  • Personalization content for better engagement.
  • Analytics software integration to provide full conversion tracking.
  • Unique and crispy email subject lines and body content
  • Best time email delivery.
  • A/B and multivariate testing.
  • Creating innovative ideas for targeted users
  • Multi-user access to monitor team performance and results
  • Dynamic and interactive emails
  • Tracking and monitoring the responses
  • Superior technology and maximum ROI
  • Reporting and analytics
  • SPAM-free and responsive emails
  • Timely delivery of emails
  • Affordable and customised packages
  • The easy way to import / export contacts
  • Schedule and send email campaigns

we love them

What Our Clients Have To Say


Customers open emails they connect with and those which sound relevant. So, the first thing you need to do is understand your customer’s expectations and what matters to them the most.

Whenever we shoot an email, we ask ourselves, “Does the email content, especially the subject line, matter to my customer?”

Customers instantly connect to emails, which are personal personalised. The call to action is relevant. Also, they do, read, and respond if you create urgency.

So, we focus on the value we create for the customer and the benefits you are offering.

Email campaigns can surely hike sales, provided you stimulate and inspire the audience towards investing their money in your brand/ products.

When would you buy a product?

When it provides a solution to an existing or future problem, The advertiser conveys to you when you trust the brand and connect (emotionally and rationally) with the message/signal.

Well, then you have your question answered.

So, convey to the audience that your product/service will provide them with a solution and add value to their life.

Share testimonials and case studies to build trust.

Create an email with inspiring content and visually strong images (a picture is worth a thousand words) that emotionally and rationally connect with the customer.

Subject lines should be striking so much to generate a response to opening the email. It’s the first thing that your subscribers notice. It’s your gateway to further communication.

So, make it personalised, short and have a message that matters to the audience. You have only 3-4 seconds to create an impact and let anyone decide to open an email.

You can ask questions or create urgency by stating a deadline.

Sending an email once a month helps create your presence in someone’s mind. Twice or thrice a month develops a connection and doesn’t create a nuisance. But, when you send emails four times a month, it creates consistency.
You can send two emails and the third one as a final reminder when you send offer emails. But, sending more than three emails to mention the offer creates a nuisance, ultimately losing a subscriber as they might mark you as spam. Here, in desperation to get a sale, you’ve lost an opportunity.
Email frequency varies from industry to industry, and you need to keep testing to know what works best for your brand.

Email open rate is the percentage of people who opened your email. If someone doesn’t open your email, there are zero chances of engaging with your content and brand.

On average, 10-15 per cent of open email rates work well for the sender. But it all depends on your industry and your target audience.

Indeed, the open rate alone isn’t indicative of the success of your email marketing campaign. It’s what people do after opening your email that matters.

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