How to Use Facebook to Drive Traffic to Your Website

If you want to boost the number of people who visit your website, Facebook is a terrific place to start. With over 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook is one of the largest and most prominent social media channels worldwide and has been expanding at an exponential rate, so it’s no wonder that it has become a tremendous outlet for promoting your business. When used effectively, it can be a great tool for bringing traffic to your website or blog. That clearly indicates that 99% of your target audience will notice your company page if they use Facebook on a regular basis.

Why should you use Facebook for your business?

Facebook has evolved into more than simply a social network for friends & family; it is now a platform that enables companies to engage with consumers, followers, and potential clients. It is a massive opportunity for brands to communicate with their target audiences and a smart way to reach people who would not otherwise visit your company’s website on their own. Whether your company is small, medium, or gigantic, if your buyers are on Facebook, then you should definitely leverage it to drive traffic to your website.

It’s completely free and simple to set up. If your company does not currently have a Facebook page, it is time to build one. Nowadays, many people check Facebook before visiting any other website on the internet, so if your company does not have a presence there, it appears that it does not care about its consumers’ requirements or problems. People are used to receiving instant responses from friends and family over social networks, and if they can’t easily find what they’re looking for from you, they’ll likely turn elsewhere.

In order to encourage users to visit your website via Facebook, you can provide links in each post that take them back to your website so they can discover further about the things you have to offer. You may also include an opt-in box in the upper – right corner of every content, as then visitors could sign up for stuff like calls or emails. When it comes to using Facebook to promote your website, or business, the opportunities are practically infinite.

Wondering how you should use Facebook to attract traffic to your website? Check out the following tips.

How To Use Facebook To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Add Facebook buttons to your website

The simplest method for promoting your website using Facebook is to integrate Facebook buttons on your website. There are a variety of Facebook sharing buttons that you can add to your website, such as Facebook Like, Share, and Follow, that enable your visitors to like and subscribe to your updates as well as recommend your content on Facebook. In addition, the Social Link Bar lets your visitors link directly to your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc.

Optimizing Facebook page for Website clicks

Your Facebook page can act as a doorway to your website, providing your audience with a glimpse of your brand. If you haven’t already, optimise your page so that it attracts people and encourages them to click on the link to your site. In the About tab of your Facebook profile, include all of the information that your potential customers should be aware of. Add your website’s URL, useful company information, and complement your brand with a high-quality and appealing profile and cover image.

Aside from that, place your website links wherever you feel appropriate, such as on event pages, posts with CTAs, or Facebook milestones, e.g., announcing the addition of a new product or service.

Consider your Call-To-Action

Your CTA button is one of the first things people notice when they visit your Facebook page. It clearly sticks out with its large, bright presence at the top of your page. While setting up this button, you have multiple choices to pick from, so if your goal is to drive your audience to your website, ensure that the button is correctly linked to it. Customers can also contact you via Messenger, email, or phone, or order a service, or buy products using Facebook CTA buttons. If not done yet, link your page button to your website right away to boost traffic. Verify that it works as expected after you’ve set it up.

Regularly Publish New Content on your website

If your website is stagnant, it will be challenging to attract visitors. By continuously creating and publishing new blog content on your website and linking to that content in Facebook posts, you consistently present your fans with something new and fascinating, which keeps bringing them back to you. Secondly, Google rewards websites that periodically post fresh content, which means that new content helps enhance your site’s ranking in search results. Posting tips, frequently asked questions, news & updates, company events, interviews with industry experts, and top 10 & how-to articles are some ideas for publishing new content on your website. You can then use this content to promote your Facebook page.

Make your content more shareable

When you publish a fresh blog, make it easy for visitors to share it with their friends on Facebook. For that, you need to put Facebook Share buttons on your website pages. Add share buttons that are aligned with the post and are placed at the start and end of your post. Don’t forget to provide share buttons on different pages of your website. For instance, you may have useful content on your website’s resources page that your users may want to be able to easily share with their friends through this button. It’s worth asking your readers to share your article on Facebook if they find it useful. Most individuals would only share posts that are useful and relevant to them, so we need to post content that offers value to your target audience.

Use Content with Large Images

Posts featuring images attract significantly more engagement than posts with only text. Recommended dimensions for images that look great on Facebook are 1200 X 628 pixels. Ensure your graphics stand out by making them interesting, relatable, and visually appealing, which will result in considerably higher Facebook likes, shares, comments, and clicks. You can upload the image as it is on Facebook to create a full-size Facebook image post. Evaluate the success of your full-sized images by checking your Facebook and blog site data. Replicate the kind of content that is most effective for you. To keep your posts neater, use a shortened url in your full-sized image posts.

Keep Your Audience Engaged

One of the most effective ways to engage your audience is to ask them questions. But keep in mind to ask relevant, interesting, and amusing questions; otherwise, your fan base may not feel compelled to engage with you. You can implement this in different ways, such as by asking your audience to fill in the blanks, express their views about a particular topic, or perhaps answer a piece of trivia. Also, take into account that your questions should be concise, relevant to your topic, and easy to understand. You can also persuade them to like, comment on, and share your question by taking help from their friends on facebook.

Hold contests on your website and blog

You can boost the traffic to your blog through Facebook by posting engaging content, such as contests. And then, to arouse interest and increase shares, promote your contest by posting it on your Facebook page. You can also post photos of the contest reward in your Facebook posts. A lot of brands use this strategy to keep their audiences engaged and excited. This is a great approach to tweaking up your website views. You can hold contests on your blog or website as well, and improve the click-through rate of your contests by posting about them on Facebook.

Use Facebook Ads

If your budget permits, Facebook advertising can be an excellent way to attract your target audience to your website. You could either boost your existing Facebook post or create a new ad that links users directly to your website. Boosting posts is a good option if the goal is to increase likes, comments, or engagement on posts. But for driving website traffic, the best way is to create a Facebook ad on Ads Manager that leads users to your website. Ensure that your website landing page includes a call-to-action that serves the purpose of the ad. After all, the goal of every snippet of content on your website should be to move visitors closer to becoming customers. Also, to engage readers, you may want to urge them to leave comments on your blog posts, offer a giveaway in exchange for their email addresses, or even make a direct phone call.

Keep your website updated

Lastly – it’s great to get more Facebook users to your website, but what they find there could mean the difference between a visitor becoming a client. There’s a good chance a visitor may never return to a website that appears outdated. Attractive, innovative websites that function flawlessly motivate users to stay on them and browse longer, upping your prospects of gaining new customers.

Propel Theory creates websites that attract more visitors and convert them into clients by providing them with what they want and anticipate. They are explicitly built to rank higher on Google and other search engines with a special combination of sleek, appealing UI/UX designs, engaging content, and SEO-friendly elements. Consult with Propel Theory experts to know more.

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