Linking Google My Business to AdWords - A Guide

Linking Google My Business to AdWords - A Guide

Google AdWords might seem pretty straightforward from the surface. Clicks, Leads, Sell, Advertisements, simple – right?

But there is so much to it that needs to be taken care of. Many among you might find this investment futile and somewhat fearsome too. But trust us when we say this, each expenditure on AdWords will come back as a fruitful result; you only need to do it right! Digital marketing experts and SEO specialists worldwide suggest linking GMB to Google AdWords.

Advantages of using Google AdWords

There are several advantages of using Google AdWords over any other similar services. We have listed a few of them for you.

  • Google AdWords is way faster than any other kind of search engine optimization or SEO. This speed is the most significant advantage of using Google AdWords. It is quicker and much more efficient than SEO. AdWords is a service that we use to increase traffic and leads extensively. It is highly appreciated and brought to use by leading digital marketing consultancies. SEO serves a similar purpose but not with identical speed and efficiency. As suggested by digital marketing gurus, a properly optimized Google AdWords campaign will help your page rise in position on the search results. Additionally, it also helps attract more number of visitors and provides you with the convenience of analyzing your advertisements.
  • You can easily communicate with the visitors of your website. This is one of the primarily known and helpful features of Google AdWords. Each website has multiple visitors throughout the day. Some show interest in the content and services you are providing, but many others turn a blind eye towards it when it comes to taking action. Google AdWords facilitates turning such visitors into leads, thereby helping you expand your business with the assistance of the best digital marketing services.
  • With Google AdWords, you can make the most efficient use of your ads for exploration as well. You open the door to a vast number of possibilities by linking your Google AdWords account to your Google Analytics account. Once you have done this, you will be able to understand the patterns of clicks and visitors to a particular advertisement. To sum it up, linking these two will help you efficiently understand the entire performance of your Google advertisement.
  • Another fascinating feature is the Gmail inbox which facilitates contacting and keeping track of customers. Recently, email marketing has become one of multiple organizations’ unbeatable digital marketing tactics. This gives Gmail a few extra gold stars. When working on a stringent budget, Gmail marketing is your savior because it is way cheaper than traditional techniques.
  • Google AdWords also facilitates monitoring your progress from time to time. If you think of going with conventional advertisement methods like newspapers and radio, the analytics part dies a painful death. With Google AdWords, you can have a piece of detailed information on the performance of each of your campaigns separately. Additionally, you can also identify whether your strategy was successfully employed or not. As a result, comparing data and making better strategies in the future are both possible efficiently.
  • You can also raise your brand’s reputation with the help of Google AdWords. It not only increases the traffic on a particular website but also helps you promote your company and expand your brand value and recognition. This is another reason why prominent digital marketing agencies suggest using Google AdWords. And who understands SEO and digital presence more than the best digital marketing agencies in the world.

Linking Google My Business to AdWords – The Merits

Ask the best digital marketing agencies in the world, and they will agree to all these benefits of linking Google My Business to AdWords. Digital Marketing gurus are adopting this technique as well.

A local extension is a terrific method and works wonders to attract more clients to your region. This feature further facilitates making the user experience even more effortless, whether you are a small business or an extensive network. In addition, local extensions can administer the improvement of your Google Ads Quality Score when you are running an AdWords campaign. AdWords, especially when linked with GMB, provide extra ad space on the digital platform for your business. This, in turn, will help you get additional clicks from local searches.

This is especially true for small enterprises that have many physical locations. As a result, you’re piling as much information as possible into your clients’ little space.

The Stepwise Guide to Linking Google My Business to AdWords

Linking your Google My Business and AdWords accounts is a convenient way to expand the way your ads appear on the platform. There are simple steps to perform this setup.

#1 Sign in to your Google AdWords account

Log into your Google AdWords account. We suggest you use the same credentials for all the Google services. Use the correct login details, your own or the clients’. It is necessary to ensure that you have access to the Google account.

#2 Select the tab of Ads and Extensions

Extensions provide an extensive reach to your ads and help expand the entire advertisement idea.

#3 Click on Extensions

This is present at the top of the existing page. Here, you will easily find all your extensions of different categories.

#4 Tap the ‘+’ icon

This is blue in color and appears somewhere in the top left corner. This section allows you to set up the local extensions in AdWords.

#5 Click on Location Extension

A drop-down will show you a spectrum of extensions; Location Extensions will be your pick for GMB setup.

#6 Select the Google My Business account

As the pop-up window appears on the screen, choose the required GMB account. If it isn’t the account, you are working on, you would have to request access.

#7 Select your location

Make sure the locations for all your campaigns are the same. Selecting the location for the campaigns is a highly crucial step.

#8 Choose the Campaign

You will have checkboxes for the different ad campaigns. Choose the applicable ones.

#9 Preview review

Oh, that rhymed! This section will facilitate you to examine your previews thoroughly for the respective location extensions. Make sure the links are opening and working. Checking the previews will help you specify whether you have successfully linked Google My Business to AdWords. This is your final stop and a final look; ensure everything is perfect!

#10 Hit Save!

Hit that save button, and you are all set to go. Boom!


This was our quick and step-by-step manual regarding linking Google My Business to AdWords. Give it a try, and let us know if we can cater to any other SEO or Marketing needs for you. Take only the right steps to give wings to your digital presence. When in doubt, visit only the best digital marketing agency in New Carolina. We at Propel Theory have a customizable approach to finding solutions for your Digital Marketing needs.

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