If Automated Machines Are Trendy, Then Why Not Automated Marketing?

Automate Your Business – Trust a Marketing Automation Agency

Struggling every day with following up the marketing tasks and activities? Or are you tired of spending money on marketing efforts yet not getting satisfactory results? Want a platform that gives you omnichannel engagement, real-time analysis, personalised engines, and a CDP?

If yes, you only need one seamless automated marketing platform and feel the experience of digital marketing automation.


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Build, automate and grow

One Digital Marketing Automation Partner and All Solutions

Have doubts in your mind? Get an expert assistance 24×7, working just for you. We only leave you with your products and services, and the rest you leave to us.

We always step forward to create goal-based campaign materials using marketing automation strategies to keep your leads on track. Our primary focus is to convert your leads to your buyer and make them your potential customers. Our primary goal is to reduce the waste of marketing campaigns and strengthen the process of selling your products.

  • We generate effective leads for your business
  • We always prefer to work on goal-based workflow
  • We work on Life cycle marketing, Email marketing, SMS marketing, WhatsApp marketing, Push notification, Facebook remarketing, Google Ads, Web personalisation and In-App notification to endeavour every customer.
  • We create content strategies to attract your buyers
  • Our analysis surrounded the entire funnel
  • Our website integration work just right for your business
  • We track calls for you
  • We help you to track customer’s behaviour through the lifecycle
  • We track the actions of anonymous prospects.
  • We build clear and robust lead profiles.
  • We strengthen best performing channels
  • We work for you to get cost-per-acquisition data.

Our implementation strategies are primarily designed to funnel your business’s sales. We have more confidence in our team that whatever you come up with, you will typically begin to see extraordinary insights into your marketing and sales practice once we start implementing it.

We know how important it is for you to know whether your visitor is just a follower, a potential converting buyer, a prospect, or a lead. So, we prefer to design our strategies so that you get the information instantly. We help you to grade your lead’s performance and rank them accordingly.

Moreover, we help you see how influential your social media is, make sentimentalised prospects, and view a record of your entire communications.

We use marketing automation to strengthen marketing intelligence, offer workflow automation, improve our analysis of selling campaigns and customers, and build segments for a more customer-centric selling model.

Types of Digital Marketing Automation We are likely to Assist You

We offer both internal or external or both digital automation marketing processes, whichever fits your business appropriately. Because we know how to implement the purposes of automation technology wholly. We include

Customer Relationship Management Automation

Customer relationship management is the most critical automation process. Because it will help you aggregate your customer data in one convenient space, and the marketing team will have quick access to all these data like customers’ names, email addresses, contact numbers, etc.

Email Automation

Another essential type of digital marketing automation process is Email automation. It affects both the internal and external automation processes simultaneously because a good email automation strategy designs a platform loaded with email templates where our creative content writing team quickly generate dynamic emails just as your customer needs.

Landing Page Automation

Landing page automation is critical to generating a high conversion rate. Your site is not optimised if your website does not have a designated landing page based on your top buyers. And there, you will need the right software that lets your marketing team build versatile landing pages.

Web Form Automation

A marketer’s job is to optimise the website for conversions. Engaging web forms are necessary to encourage visitors to require action.
Webform automation is somewhat almost like the landing page builder. Your creative team can generate dynamic web forms in seconds. Marketers can customise pre-designed web form templates and your brand’s aesthetic as a user-friendly interface.

Social Media Automation

A side from email marketing, there isn’t another digital marketing that can eat up more time than social media. If your marketing team must spend hours tending to social media posts and followers every day, they have less time generating creative content.
By utilising social media marketing automation, your team can stay busy brainstorming and creating dynamic content for your social media accounts rather than wasting time on repetitive tasks.

Blog Automation

A common theme is that each of the types of marketing automation thus far has been beneficial to internal and external marketing to some degree. Blog automation is not any different.
While automated blogging doesn't generate content for you, it does make building and managing a blog far more accessible. Again, no coding skills are required to utilise a blog builder. Your marketing team can create an enticing blog in minutes. Otherwise, you can do it yourself.

Marketing Analytics Automation

The last marketing automation is analytics and reporting. As a sort of internal marketing, this feature makes it easy for your marketing team to access statistics and results without spending hours combing through endless data points.

Automation Platforms and Techniques that you use

Allow Us To Be Your Digital Marketing Automation Agency

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Allow Us to be Your Digital Marketing Automation Agency

Propel Theory is your ultimate digital marketing agency that works for your business day and night without thinking about the size of your business. We prioritise each business’s requirements, behaviour and nature as our primary focus and create goal-based campaigns using digital marketing automation strategies.

Moreover, we streamline your advertising and marketing efforts and work accordingly to boost lead generation. Because just as you know your customers, we know our clients need like that. So, we can plan our campaigns exactly how you imagined reaching out to your customers.

In a word, we, the Digital marketing team of Propel Theory, offer you the best digital marketing services and marketing automation, including social media marketing strategy, online advertising, email automation, and SEO digital marketing, to touch the highest range of your dream through digital marketing.

we love them

What Our Clients Have To Say


Ideally, whichever marketing platform you accompany should have comprehensive customer service that can handle more than just getting you set up. This includes a good range of options, like guides, tutorials, email support, chat support, and phone support that you can use to get yourself on the right path.

  • We use dynamic content to engage customers
  • We set up a drip content
  • We automate team collaboration in real-time
  • We set up nurture contents in your funnel
  • We follow email sequences to follow up with prospects who will fill out a lead form
  • We leverage marketing automation in list segmentation

Marketing automation promises big things; more leads, conversions, and sales, all with less work. Businesses that use automation have seen increased leads and sales, driving a 14% sales productivity and a 12% reduction in marketing overheads.

Automation offers an exciting opportunity for greater efficiency, cost reduction, and an enhanced customer experience for marketing professionals. Embarking on an automation journey for your business could seem intimidating, but it’s easier than you think with the proper advice!

Redirect focus to strategy, reallocating budget, supportive customer interaction and gathering meaningful analytics are the most crucial feature to fit automation into a marketing strategy.

According to new research, 44% of marketing leaders believe automation will become more critical as a skill in 2020, something to bear in mind when reskilling employees and hiring new staff in 2019. And we strictly focus on this point.

  • Identifying the right task
  • Selecting the appropriate automation software
  • Proper training programmes for your team
  • Evaluating automation effectiveness

Digital marketing automation isn’t about making your business strategies only. It also pays off consumers by solving everyday problems that have come in front during this digitisation era. In short, it will help you to give

  1. Surface more relevant content
  2. Provide better answers in the fastest way
  3. Offer a seamless omnichannel experience

Build, Automate and Grow. Build Further, Automate Faster

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