SEO certification course

Live Online SEO Course Training & Certifications

SEO Course Description

If your target customer is searching on Google, Bing or Yahoo! does your website appear in the results? If yes, on the first page or near the top?

If your answer is inclining towards no, then this online SEO course is meant for you. We assure you, at the end of the course, you’ll have a deep understanding of how Search engine optimization works and how you can make use of it to boost traffic for your site.

SEO Course Modules

Before moving on to the technical and advanced topics, you need to understand the basics of SEO. This module covers the functioning of search engines, how they index, discover and catalogue the sites. Glossary of basic terminologies which will be explained in-depth throughout the course will also be mentioned.

In the Off-Page Optimization module, we will make you familiar with how to promote your products and services using your intended keywords. This module covers topics such as Domain Metrics, backlinks, competitor analysis and other tips and trickers related to Off-page optimization.

Local SEO module emphasises on the visibility of your business in your broader neighbourhood. If you have a business address and a well-made website, then you can easily be found in Google Search, Google Maps and Google Places. The learnings of this module will help you more leads and traffic from people around you.

In order to make your SEO efforts successful, you need the help of various tools to provide you with adequate insights. This module focuses on providing you information on the widely used paid and free SEO tools that help in your quest of ranking better.

This module on On-page Optimization includes all the on-site techniques you can engage to ensure a webpage will rank on a SERP. Keyword research & keyword placement, internal linking, anchor text, sitemaps, robot.txt etc topic will be covered in this module.

This module will teach you how to get great and relevant links to point to your website, all by yourself. Not only it implies you will be saving big bucks, but you will also enhance your learning understanding of link building and its strategizing.

Google is one of the most widely used search engines. To keep up with the advancement, Google had upgraded its search algorithm countless times. Earlier, nobody could predict all the possible methods to push low-quality sites to the top of search results. This module teaches you about the upgrades, how to optimize your sites accordingly (in the future) and how to recover from any damage done.

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Vivek Kumar

Digital Marketing Expert

The Faces Behind Our Success

Our Trainer

As passionate digital marketing enthusiast and trainer, Vivek is an expert in the field with over 12 years of experience.
He has trained and mentored 5000+ Working professionals, Entrepreneurs, Students and Freelancers to utilise digital marketing and related skills to help them ‘achieve’ success.
A torch bearer for numerous ‘performance’ or ‘affiliate’ marketing campaigns for a number of brands, digital products and physical products both in India and abroad.

Futuristic & Industry Relevant

Tools provided

To aid your learning process, you will be provided with various materials to facilitate your learning of SEO. This includes detailed course modules, notes and syllabus.

SEO Certifications

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