SMM is the New Era- Utilize it

See Your Business Flourish on social media

Do you struggle to keep your online audience engaged? Do you depend on social media for your marketing and advertising solutions? Want to gain more customers by building brand awareness or selling your services or products?

If yes, then Propel Theory’s social media advertising services is the answer to all your questions. We dissect your audience demographics, analyze customer preferences and map out a campaign with professionally designed ads that reap premium benefits for your business!


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AD spending managed

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Social Media Advertising Services Offered by Us

Facebook happens to be the most popular social media advertising platform for businesses that are trying to reach their target audience and drive web traffic. No matter what business model you may work under – whether you’re an e-commerce, B2C, or B2B company, Facebook advertising is an effective advertising platform to reach your target market easier.

Use online marketing tactics that are among the most visually engaging on social media to help spread the word about your new product and services. Get your Instagram followers’ attention by using engaging advertising strategies.

We can tell you how to identify low-performing areas of your ad campaigns fast because we know it’s important that campaigns stay under control at all times. This is why we will keep an eye on your campaign daily and if results begin to decline, we will detect it immediately and pause low-performing ads to ensure you get the best results for your budget. In addition, we can launch new ads to keep the results coming in.

When you want to know what’s trending, go to Twitter and you’ll know. This social platform is ideal for targeted marketing to customers because whilst they are talking about particular topics and events, you can get in on the discussion – both by engaging and connecting with your target audience via their tweets or by advertising directly through the platform.

Use LinkedIn advertising and remarketing to reach decision-makers and professionals. When you are running a B2B company and you want to increase brand awareness, and website traffic, grow your email marketing list, influence conversions and drive engagement, using LinkedIn advertising is the right tactic for you.

A social media manager will save you time by decreasing costs and increasing results. We will assign an ad specialist on our staff to run your advertisements on these social media channels. We want them to learn about your business, develop strategies, and execute it.

Types of SEO

SEO is not something about specific search results, or it is not a particular kind of optimisation. But SEO is more diversified than this, and it includes various other aspects of digital marketing, which we usually forget to remember.

So, here, let’s look at how many types of SEO are available to enhance your traffic while net surfing.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is something that we are most familiar with. This part of SEO includes all the details you want to show to your readers on the first page. An effective on-page SEO is designed with high quality, informative content that ranks well and has the potential to solve existing customer problems.

Off-Page SEO

While on-page SEO is quite understandable, off-page SEO involves more grasp of the concept. This part of the SEO is related to link building optimisation. Off-page consists of the maximum and the most challenging part of SEO because this part is responsible for bringing visitors to your website. Off-page SEO is the one that makes your website appear in the highest searching rank.

Technical SEO

Some digital market specialists consider this part of SEO a subset of the on-page SEO. In short, technical SEO is related to the on-page SEO but must do things that go behind the scenes—for example, search engines. Or, optimising images, using a secure HTTPS connection, caching information to speed load times, uploading detailed sitemaps, and other technical factors can help your SEO.

Local SEO

Though the whole world is standing in a voyage of digitisation, thousands of businesses have and will have physical existence. And precisely at that point, local SEO works to find out customers for them.

Link Building

In this world of digitisation, link building is one of the prime actions that SEO needs the most attention because it increases the number and quality of content, which eventually increases the search engine ranking of your website.

E-Commerce SEO

e-commerce SEO is nothing but an optimisation process to make it digitally more visible. It gives the highest priority to SERPs.

Automation Platforms and Techniques that you use

Why Should You Hire Propel Theory For Social Media Advertising

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Why Should You Hire Propel Theory for Social Media Advertising?

In today’s digital age, conventional marketing methods are not enough to build a loyal and highly engaged customer base. One must use specific digital marketing tools to reach more consumers and generate a better ROI.

These are a few reasons why you should hire Propel Theory as your social media marketing agency.

  1. Social media advertising can help ensure your content spreads across social networks as far as possible and make people aware of what you’re offering.
  2. By using various social media advertising channels to market on the internet, we enable you to reach more users.
  3. Like many other advertising options, social ad landing pages can be tailored to encourage leads and re-engage site visitors.
  4. Social media marketing helps you to gain access to market insights and metrics, such as clicks, visits, and comments.
  5. Empower consumers to make real connections with your brand and motivate them to take action through Social Media Advertising.

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What Our Clients Have To Say


Social media advertising is one of the most powerful, valuable, and important tools for digital marketing. People are influenced and motivated by online peer recommendations much more than traditional forms of marketing like TV or print in their buying decisions. This can mean that people promote ads to friends and family, so you will get your money’s worth instantly! Google Adwords, Facebook ad management, and social media marketing are all paying off big time.

Some common types of Social Media Advertising are Facebook Advertising, Twitter Advertising, LinkedIn Advertising, and Instagram Advertising.

Social media advertising allows you to pinpoint your campaigns by choosing the appropriate targets based on demographics and interest, location, online behavior, age, and more. Unlike other online marketing initiatives, you only pay for the number of clicks and impressions your posts receive. This makes social media a cost-effective marketing method that is certain to boost your digital marketing efforts! Do you want to take things up a notch to reach customers who are ready to convert? Try Social Media Advertising today and harness the power of paid advertising for business! You’ll get an instant payoff with an elevated customer engagement strategy.

A social media marketing agency is a company that employs experts to manage social media accounts, optimize and promote their brand’s image, and coordinate advertising all on various platforms – if you wish to, this can include anything from Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook ads.

Advertising on social media platforms is one of the most effective ways to ensure your business reaches a target audience. Whether it’s remarketing, display ads, how to boost conversion rates, or just looking for tips and advice about paid advertising on social media, our team can help!

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