Why Having A LinkedIn Company Page is a Must For Your Business

In the past, it was enough to have an email and a phone number to initiate a conversation with your potential customers. But nowadays, the way you communicate with your customers has become much more complex. There’s social media, blogs, websites, videos, and company pages on platforms like LinkedIn that allow you to stay in constant touch with your customers.

LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the most popular social networking platforms for people in the professional world. It is a great place for you to connect with your potential customers, partners, and employees and also showcase your company’s culture and values. LinkedIn is filled with constant activity. People post status updates, professionals look for new jobs; sales professionals pitch potential clients; and platform members of all types network, interact, and make connections. With 800+ million users worldwide, this degree of engagement is not unexpected.

Speaking specifically, LinkedIn company pages are the new way of doing business and are a must these days. Companies around the globe are increasingly relying on their LinkedIn company page to establish a personal connection with their existing and potential customers. It has become one of the most important marketing channels for businesses, which cannot be ignored at any cost.

According to a survey, 40% of B2B marketers believe LinkedIn is the most effective channel for generating high-quality leads (LinkedIn). For that, you have many options, such as using professional demographic data to target the right people based on their job title, company, industry, and seniority.

Do you know that you’re losing out on new connections, followers, employees, and customers if you haven’t created a LinkedIn Page for your company yet?

Creating a LinkedIn company page is absolutely free, simple to set up, and includes some useful features that can help you promote your business. Also, once you’ve created your company page, you need to make sure it includes all of the necessary information about your company so that it can be easily found by people looking for a business like yours in the search results.

Your LinkedIn company page should be more than just a profile of your company. It is a way for you to share your story, values, mission, and culture with your audience.

How to Create a Company Page on LinkedIn

Whether you are new to LinkedIn or already have an account, setting up a LinkedIn Company Page is quite easy. To begin, follow these steps –

  • Go to the homepage of LinkedIn Pages or LinkedIn.com.

Now, go to the ‘Create Company’ tab and follow the instructions there to create your LinkedIn Company Page.

If you’d like to start with your LinkedIn feed, go to your feed and tap the “Work” button in the navigation bar.

Now click on ‘Create a Company Page +’ at the bottom.

  • From the drop-down, select the type of Page you want to create.

Click on ‘Company’

  • Enter your company name, LinkedIn public URL, and website URL.

LinkedIn will automatically insert your URL as you fill out your company Name. Your URL should ideally be your company name, as it ensures consistency in your online profile identities.

In case your company name is not available, use a URL that is relevant and recognisable, for instance, the name of your social media profiles or an abbreviation of your brand.

  • Fill in details about your industry, company size, and type.

This information is crucial for enhancing discoverability and helping you create brand recognition within your specific sector.

  • Enter your profile information, like the company logo and tagline.

It is recommended that you insert a high-quality image for your logo that is the same as the ones on your other online presence, like websites or social media accounts. It is useful for your people to identify your brand and page.

In the tagline, you need to briefly describe what your business is about within 120 characters.

  • Click ‘Create Page’ after previewing the page.

Check all the entered details in the preview and make sure they are accurate.

  • And finally, Click ‘Create Page’

You’ll also find that LinkedIn gives a list of useful suggestions of actions to take to complete your page. The more complete it is, the more features will be unlocked for you, like Content Suggestions and Invite Follow, which will help in growing your page’s visibility.

Now that you’ve created a LinkedIn Company Page, you need to make sure that it stands out among other company pages on the platform. Although there are many ways of doing so, here in this article we will focus on the most effective ones –

How to Make Your LinkedIn Company Page Stand Out-

  • Use the Profile tab to highlight the skills and experience of your employees in order to attract talent or customers.
  • Create an About Us section as it will allow you to tell the story of your company in detail.
  • Make sure you post updates regularly so that people who are not connected with you on LinkedIn can see what’s happening at your company.
  • Use the Share button on posts from other pages that align with who you are as a brand.

Your company page on LinkedIn is an excellent way for you to promote your business and attract more leads. To keep your page active and interesting, you can share your companies or industry’s latest updates, events, jobs, and information on products or services.

According to 77% of content marketers, LinkedIn offers the best organic results (LinkedIn). LinkedIn is not only the most popular platform for organic marketers, but it is also the best network for delivering organic results.

Companies that post weekly on LinkedIn enjoy a 2x increase in engagement. If you want to make sure your brand is getting the most out of its LinkedIn presence, you should produce relevant, educational, and interesting content on a regular basis.

What to Post on a LinkedIn Company Page

Having a great LinkedIn Page can help your company get noticed, develop brand credibility, promote your products or services, and reach potential clients. Let’s take a look at some ideas for what you can post on your LinkedIn company page to get the most return on investment.

  • Share updates and news about your Company and Industry

Just like any other social network, LinkedIn sees a constant stream of content where users can share and discuss key articles and updates. You can use your company page as an effective means to post updates and news with your employees, customers, prospects, investors and followers which they can view, engage or share with other members.

  • Post job vacancies and reach out to potential employees.

Being a professional social network, LinkedIn allows users to benefit from job and career updates, connections, and conversations. Members on LinkedIn are eager to explore and exchange work opportunities, which includes those working at your organization. For any open positions in your company, you can use LinkedIn as an excellent way to advertise them. Not only that, but LinkedIn also has a section called Career Pages that is focused on talent attraction, job openings, and corporate branding.

  • Build your community.

Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn is a platform that instils a feeling of community among its members. Your company page helps you establish a community of LinkedIn members who would like to know about your company updates, job opportunities, and work culture in general. It is a place where they can connect, interact, and collaborate. You can keep your audience engaged and interested by posting intriguing questions, behind-the-scenes happenings, and a lot more to build a good rapport with them.

  • Create and maintain a consistent brand image across social networks

If your business has a presence on other popular social networking platforms, LinkedIn can prove to be a great tool for expanding your following on them too. There are many social platforms that let you interlink your LinkedIn company page that benefit you by boosting your visibility and following.

  • Enhance your visibility in search engines

Like the pages on your website, social media profiles and others, your LinkedIn Company Pages also appear and rank in the search engine results. Creating a LinkedIn Page allows your company to be found by prospects who are looking for your products or services.

By now, I’m sure you’ve got enough idea of the extensive possibilities and opportunities that this powerful social networking tool called LinkedIn offers. So, if you don’t own a LinkedIn Company page yet, now is the time to get one. Plus, you should also motivate your staff to create their individual LinkedIn profiles and connect them to your company page so you both get further exposure.

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